Clevi Cloverspeak Wiki

A Joge is a statement that retains the structure of commonly accepted humor or catchphrases, but intends to offend and oppose the normal reaction to such jokes. Shivni practioners regularly employ joges as a means of framing their devilry as common 'human' behavior.


The word "joge" is itself a joge, derived from a joge/habit of Jess Tambellini's (Itchy Boys, BOFSF) which involved switching the primary end consonants of words to "g," (most often exhibiting dissimilation from the voiceless velar plosive [k] to the voiced [g],) a compulsion which eventually became uncontrollable. It arose from a play on the name of the Pittsburgh district of Oakland, referred to fondly as "Jokeland," which evolved into "Jogeland" (and then, most recently, the controversial "Joe Gland"). Since then, the term "joge" has become a popular term which is fundamental to describing the identity and behavior of Shivs.


Joges, in theory, can be heard and comprehended as basic unfunny jokes. But, for joge enthusiasts the humor and pleasure of a joge derives from the joke's failures (intended or not).

With that in mind, joges can be defined as "anything proclaimed a joge by the statement's creator or receipiant." (Wimwam Windfarm, 2009).

See also:
